The APA Code of Ethics as it applies to interactions with the NCPHP.

Section 2 requires honesty.

Section 3 requires respect for the law, especially Chapter 90 of the NC GS.

Section 4 requires Respect for Patient Rights.

Section 8 requires that responsibility to the patient is paramount.


Dr. Pendergast is the NCPHP Director, he is bound to the above rules.

He is also directly subject to the following organizations, which should be notified of Ethical Violations


American Society of Addiction Medicine

4601 North Park Avenue

Upper Arcade, Suite 101

Chevy Chase, MD 20815-4520


Mr. Robert Seligson

Chief Executive Officer

North Carolina Medical Society

P.O. Box 27167

Raleigh, NC 27611


Ms. Robin B. Huffman

Executive Director

North Carolina Psychiatric Association

4917 Waters Edge Drive

Raleigh, NC 27606


The NCMB will be under review, hopefully within six months it will be completed.  It would probably be futile to bring violations up to the NCMB prior to their anticipated reorganization.  Violations of Ethical Guidelines are by definition unprofessional conduct.  Licensees of the NCMB are required by the NCMB to report such violations.  Failure to do so in and of itself is unprofessional conduct.  The NCMB can discipline licensees who fail to report another professional discipline and sanction for such a failure to report.


NC General Statutes Chapter 90 Regarding Ethics and Professional Misconduct:

¤ 90-14.  Disciplinary Authority. (a) (6) 

Unprofessional conduct, including, but not limited to, departure from, or the failure to conform to, the standards of acceptable and prevailing medical practice, or the ethics of the medical profession, irrespective of whether or not a patient is injured thereby, or the committing of any act contrary to honesty, justice, or good morals, whether the same is committed in the course of the licensee's practice or otherwise, and whether committed within or without North Carolina.

¤ 90-113.31B. Scope of practice.(6)

The practice of a certified criminal justice addictions professional is based on knowledge in the performance domains of dynamics of addiction in criminal behavior; legal, ethical, and professional responsibility; criminal justice system and processes; screening, intake, and assessment; case management; monitoring; and client supervision and counseling to prevent or reduce the conditions that place individuals at increased risk of developing addictive disorder or disease, treat addictive disorder or disease, and help prevent relapse. (2005-431, s. 1.)