Until 2007, she was a happy, upbeat, ER doc with everything going for her. The NCMB went after her because she had (in 2005) briefly worked two evenings a week in a little mom-and-pop weight loss clinic. It was a reasonable diet and exercise type, no ÒFen-PhenÓ or HCG.  The husband and wife lay owners paid her (and later a PA she supervised) so it could be "medically supervised." The NCMB said the clinic owners were "practicing medicine without a license" and that she was guilty of "aiding and abetting the corporate practice of medicine" because she was "an employee" of lay-persons. She didn't know back then that she was really an independent contractor, didn't understand the difference when their investigator asked her if she was an employee.

NOTE: Review of NC General Statutes Chapter 90 which governs the Medical Board, and is over 625 pages long does not reveal any rule prohibiting non-physicians from owning medical facilities.


The NCMB then requested "charts" and sent them to an "expert reviewer" who believed she was reviewing charts from a family practice, and question why she was not checking thyroid levels on people taking thyroid meds. She was never given a chance to explain that she was not their primary care doctor, it would have been inappropriate for her, as a consultant, to try to manage their meds. Her role was only to note that they were clinically euthyroid, or if not, to refer them back to their regular doctor. The NCMB also accused her of allowing lay people to "call in prescriptions without my consent." Now first of all, if this happened, and it was "without consent" how could she have allowed something that she was purposely kept unaware of? Secondly, there was not one shred of evidence to support that anything like this ever happened.


There were no patient complaints, She'd never had a lawsuit, there were no bad outcomes. The NCMB then went through every detail of her personal life with a fine tooth comb, and really came up with nothing more, but they did force her to sign a consent order: they would take her license if she didn't sign it. They published a public letter of reprimand in their infamous newsletter, which resulted in a data bank report.  She wasn't fired from my ER job, but was simply given no more shifts, and has not worked in an ER since.


This after racking up $14,000 in attorney fees from a former board attorney himself who had been referred to me by the boards present attorney, she paid while the two of them played golf, and "her lawyer" told her there was nothing she could do but sign.


The emotional toll was the worst. Her good name had been tarnished. She had always done well in school, graduated from top schools in Boston, had always held her head high, proud of her achievements.  She was unable to discuss this with peers, who treated her like a leper who must have done *something* to deserve this. Even her family assumed the worst. The isolation really hurt.  


Her military husband was moved to Washington State last June. She was glad to leave NC, and finally have a license. She is seeing private patients, who pay cash, out of a home office at present.  Is still trying to recover from this.